Dr. Mallika Basumatary
1. Personal Profile:
1 | Name | Dr. Mallika Basumatary |
2 | Designation | Associate Professor |
3 | Department | Bodo |
4 | Gender | Female |
5 | Contact No. | 9954012339 |
6 | Email ID | mallika.bprd@gmail.com |
7 | Qualification | M.A., Ph.D., (NET, SLET) |
8 | Area of Specialisation | Language & Literature |
2. Participation in academic Conference/Seminars/Workshop/Webinar/Conference:
Sl. No. | Date | Topic/Theme | Seminar/ Workshop/ Webinar Theme | Place/ Organiser | State/National/ International |
1 | 7th to 8th Dec. 2007 | Participated | Contemporary Bodo Fiction | Department of Bodo, GU | National seminar |
2 | 14th to 23rd Dec. 2009 | Participated | Workshop on Knowledge Text Translation | National Text Translation, CIIL, Dibrughar University | Workshop |
3 | 12th to 19th March, 2010 | Participated | Workshop on Knowledge Text Translation | National Text Translation, CIIL, Skkim University | Workshop |
4 | 3rd June, 2011 | Participated | Academic performance indicator and its parameters | ACTA Zone -13, Bijni College | Workshop |
5 | 14th June 2012 | Participated | Corruption and its effects in contemporary societies of India | Department of Political science, Bengtol College | National Seminar |
6 | 3rd Nov. 2012 | Participated | Translation of Indian Literature with special reference to Bodo: an Overview | Sahitya Academi & Janata College, Serphanguri | Literary Forum |
7 | 15th Nov. 2019 | Participated | Environment, happiness and health: re-reading literature in 21st century | Dept. of English BU, Dept. Humanities and social Science CIT & Dept. of English Bengtol College | National Seminar |
8 | 19th Feb. 2020 | Participated | Workshop on revised accreditation Framework of NAAC | IQAC Birjohara Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Bongaigaon | Workshop |
9 | 24th July, 2021 | Participated | Workshop on Intelectual Property rights with special emphasis on copyright and plagiarism | Dept. of English & IQAC Bengtol College | Workshop |
10 | 30th May 2022 | Resource Person | Workshop on Project Report/ Dissertation Writing | Research cell & IQAC UN Brahma College, Kajalgaon | Workshop |
11 | 23rd June, 2022 | Participated | NAAC Assessment: New Manual | IQAC Bijni College | Workshop |
12 | 30th Nov. & 1st Dec. 2022 | Subject Expert | Crossing the Boundaries and Innovation : Literary Term in Bodo | Dept. of Bodo GU, Bodo Dept. Alumni Association, Bodo Sahitya Sobha & Bodo Dept. Teacher Association | Workshop |
13 | 10th Dec. 2022 | Participated | Workshop on Office Ethics & Management | Research and Development Cell & IQAC Bengtol College | Workshop |
14 | 4th April 2023 | Participated | Workshop on Bodo PG Course and Syllabus | Dept. of Bodo, Bodoland University | Workshop |
15 | 18th August, 2020 | Coordinator | National Webinar on New Education Policy and Bodo Medium | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association & IQAC Bengtol College | Webinar |
16 | 20th to 25th Sept. 2021 | Coordinator | Challenges of Higher Education in 21st Century | E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati | FDP |
17 | 21st June, 2020 | Participated | Awareness programme on use of online E-resources | Nobajyoti College, Kalgachia & Assam College Librarian Association | Webinar |
18 | 26th June, 2020 | Participated | Use of online E-Resource | APJ Abdul Kalam Central Library and IQAC Bengtol College | Webinar |
19 | 11th July, 2020 | Participated | Fangs of Covid -19 on the lifestyle culture, education, economy, and Health: women and children | NEF, India | Webinar |
20 | 26th July, 2020 | Participated | New wave of E-learning during Covid -19 pandemic and beyond in Bodo society | Bodo Sahitya Sobha and Dept. of Bodo Bodoland University | Webinar |
21 | 29th July, 2020 | Participated | Progress in life through cosmic energy, | IQAC, Yoga and Mental Health Abhayapuri College & Assam College Librarian Association | Webinar |
22 | 31st July, 2020 | Participated | Hospitality & Tourism Education and training: post Covid – 19 perspective, | ICFAI University, Sikkim | International Webinar |
23 | 31st July, 2020 | Participated | Necessity of state intervention in language development: a penal discussion on Kokborok, Bodo, Garo, Dimasa and allied language | Dept. of Political Science & Dept. of Kokborok Netaji Subhash Mahavidylaya, Tripura | Webinar |
24 | 7th August, 2020 | Participated | Challenges of Linguistic and cultural researches during and Post Covid crisis | Centre for Linguistics and Cultural Studies, CIT Kokrajkar | International Webinar |
25 | 18th May, 2021 | Participated | The future of Bodo Language in the context of politics of linguistics hegemony | IQAC Kokrajhar Govt. College | Webinar |
26 | 15th July, 2021 | Participated | The pandemic and its impact on moral thinking and reflective succession making | Dept. of Philosophy & IQAC Bengtol College | Webinar |
27 | 30th July, 2021 | Participated | Covid- 19 Impact on global order | Dept. of Political Science & IQAC Bengtol College | Webinar |
28 | 27th Feb, 2022 | Participated | NAAC: Assessment and accreditation and its implementation in revised framework | UTKARSHA Foundation, Assam | Webinar |
29 | 8th May, 2022 | Participated | AQAR and its impact on NAAC Assessment | UTKARSHA Foundation & IQAC Borbhag College, Nalbari | Webinar |
30 | 25th March, 2022 | Participated | Material culture of the Bodos | Dept. of Bodo, Bodoland University | Webinar |
31 | 30th August, 2022 | Participated | Comparative study of Bodo and Assamese folk Literature | Dept. of Bodo, Bodoland University | Webinar |
32 | 22nd May, 2023 | Participated | Bodo Translation Literature | Dept. of Bodo, Bodoland University | Webinar |
3. Presentation in Seminars:
Sl. No. | Date | Topic/Theme | Seminar Theme | Place/ Organiser | State/ National/ International |
1 | 02/10/2008 & 03/10/2008 | The representation of village life in the short story of the Bodos: A Study | Bodo Language and Literature | Bodo Dept. Teacher Asociation | State |
2 | 24/10/2009 | The Characterisation of the Drama of Satish Chandra Basumatary: an Analysis. | Symposium on Bodo Drama | Sahitya Academi and Bodo Dept. Teacher Association | National |
3 | 04/12/2010& 05/12/2010 | The reflection of the social custom in folk tales of the Bodos: an Analysis. | Bodo Folk Literature | Sahitya Academi and Bodo Dept. Teacher Association | National |
4 | 22/08/2011 | The Role of Education in Abolishing the Superstitious Belief in Withcraft | Witchcraft: a traditional practice and its impact on human rights | Bengtol College, Chirang, Assam | National |
5 | 06/11/2011 & 07/11/2011 | Social Status of Women in Nilkamal Brahma’s Hagra Guduni Mwi | Literary contribution of Nilkamal Brahma | Sahitya Academy, Bodo Dept. teachers’ Association& Bodo Dept. Bodoland University, Assam. | National |
6 | 30/12/2011 | Tribal Identity and Ethnic Conflict in North East India | Cultural Assimilation of North East India: Unity and Diversity | Folklore Study Centre, Department of Assamese, Bikali College | National |
7 | 03/11/2012 & 04/11/2012 | A Critical Analysis of the Bodo Modernist poet Aurobindo Uzir’s Poetry | Emerging Trends in literature with special reference to Bodo Literature | Bodo Dept. teachers’ Association& Bodo dept. Bodoland University, Assam. | National |
8 | 10/11/2012 | The Impact of Modernity on the Tribal of Assam with Special Reference to Bodos | The Impact of Modernity on the Tribal of Assam | Department of Bodo and Philosophy, Bengtol College | National |
9 | 22nd and 23rd March 2014 | Travelogue in Boro: A Study | Non-Fictional prose in Bodo Literature | Sahitya Academi & Bodo Dept. Teachers’ Association, Assam | National |
10 | 8th and 9th August, 2014 | Syed Abdul Malik’s Dukhan Bhori and Nilkamal Brahma’s Athing: A Comparative Study | Comparative Indian Literature and National Integration | Department of MIL, Gauhati University, Assam | National |
11 | 27/09/2014 | The Role of Women in the Novel of Chittaranjan Mushahary | Significance of women writing in Bodo literature | Sahitya Academy & Dept. of Bodo, Gauhati University. | National |
12 | 11th October 2014 | Defining Hmar Identity Through their Oral Traditions | Demographic change and Indigenous people of North East India | Department of English, Bengtol College, BTAD, Assam | National |
13 | 4th, 5th and 6th February 2015 | Eradicating Women Inequality in Boro Society through Cultural Empowerment | Women Empowerment: Issues and Challenges | Dept. of Economics in collaboration with IQAC Gossaigaon College, BTAD, Assam | International |
14 | 28th & 29th March, 2015 | The Change and Continuity of the female attires of the Bodos: A study | Bodo Culture: Change and Continuity | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association& Bodo Dept. Gauhati University | National |
15 | 26th and 27th Sept., 2015 | Mysticism in the Literary Creation of Pramad Chandra Brahma: An Analysis. | Romanticism in Bodo Poetry | Sahitya Academi & Bodo Dept. Teachers’ Association, Assam | National |
16 | 26th and 27th May, 2016 | Traditional Belief System of the Bodos with Special Reference to Myth | Orality: The Quest for Meaning | Bodoland University, Kokrajhar, Assam | International |
17 | 20 and 21st August, 2016 | The female Based Novels on Chittaranjan Mushahary: an Analysis | Reflection of Bodo Social Scenario in the Novel of Chittaranjan Muchahary | Sahitya Academi & Bodo Sahitya Sabha, Assam | National |
18 | 20 September, 2016 | Alcohol in Cultural Perspective with Special reference to Boro Society | Alcohol and drugs abuse: issues and challenges of contemporary society of North- East India | IQAC, Bengtol college in collaboration with Bengtol ABSU Unit, BTAD, Assam | National |
19 | 24th and 25 September, 2016 | The Romantic Poem of Isan Mushahary’s Sonani Mala: An Overview. | Life and works of Pramad Ch. Brahma | Sahitya Academi & Bodo Dept. Teachers’ Association | National |
20 | 25th and 26th October, 2016 | Representation of Society and Customs in Boro Folk Tales: A critical Analysis | Folk literature and Language of Folk Literature of North East India | Department of Assamese, Goalpara College, Assam | National |
21 | 10th and 11th March, 2017 | Reflection of Myths in Boro Literature: An Analysis | Folklore in Literature of Regional Language | Department of Bodo, Gyanpeeth Degree College, Nikashi, Assam | National |
22 | 4th & 5th Nov., 2017 | Post Modern Literature in Bodo Literature: An Analysis | Post Modern Trend in Bodo Literaure | Sahitya Academi, Bodo Dept. Teacher Association & Bodo Dept. Basugaon College | National |
23 | 30th Sept. 2018 | Modernism in Bodo Drama in Kamal Kumar Brahma: An Overview | Modernism in Bodo Drama | Sahitya Academi, Bodo Dept. Teacher Association & Bodo Dept. Kokrajhar Govt. College | National |
24 | 2018 | Christian Missionaries: Transfiguring Bodo Orality to written Literature | Contribution of British Administrator and Christian Missionaries towards the development of Bodo Language, Literature and culture | Bodo Sahitya Sobha, CIIL & Dept. Of Humanities and Social Science, CIT Kokrajhar | International |
25 | 31st Oct. 2019 | Creating Human Rights awareness among the Masses through Bodo Literature | Human Rights and Social Exclusion: Issues and Challenges | IQAC, Fakiragram College | National |
26 | 28th &29th Sept. 2019 | An Analysis of the Gaodang short story of Manaranjan Lahary | Life and works of Manaranjan Lahry | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association, Dept. of Folklore Research GU & IQAC Barama College | National |
27 | 28th Feb. & 1st March, 2021 | Nil Kamal Brahmani Sungdo soloao berkhangnai un gwdan Sansri: Mwnse Bijirnai | Negotiating Modernism and Post Modernism in the writing of Nil Kamal Brahma | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association, Dept. of Bodo Bodoland Univerity & Dept. of Bodo Bengtol College | National |
28 | 11th & 12 Dec. 2021 | Brajendra Kumar Brahmani okhrang Gongse Nangwo Khonthai Bijab: Mwnse Bijirnai | Life and works of Brajendra Kumar Brahma | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association, Dept. of Bodo GU & Rangia College | National |
29 | 14th Sept. 2022 | Role of Remote Learning in Pandemic: An Analysis | Consequences of Pandemic on Socio-Economic and Educational affairs in North East India | IQAC, Dept. of Political Science & Education Fakiragram College | National |
30 | 3rd & 4th Nov. 2022 | Impact of Urbanization in Environment: A Critical Study | Environmental Sustainability and Conservation : Issues and Challenges | IQAC Bangaigaon College | International |
31 | 26th Nov. 2022 | Representation of women in religious practice in Bodo Society: An Analysis | Representation of Women and Discourses of Women’s Rights | Centre for women’s studies, Bodoland University& Dept. of English Bengtol College | National |
32 | 17th & 18th Dec. 2022 | Post-mortem Sungdo Soloa Boro Maharini Rajkhanthiari Gwswkhangthini Nerswn: Mwnse Bijirnai | Political Identity in modern Bodo Literature | Bodo Dept. Teacher Association, dept. of Bodo BU & & Dept. of Bodo UN Brahma College | National |
4.Orientation/FDP/Refresher course attended:
Sl. No. | Date | HRDC/Institution | Theme/Topic/Subject/ Programme | |
From | To | |||
1 | 04-04-2011 | 29-04-2011 | ASC- Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi | Orientation programme |
2 | 02-07-2012 | 06-07-2012 | North Eastern Regional Language Centre, Guwahati | Orientation programme for translation in Bodo |
3 | 08-01-2016 | 28-01-2016 | ASC- North Bengal University, west Bengal | Refresher course on Multi-disciplinary |
4 | 14-03-2017 | 12-04-2017 | ASC- Ranchi University, Jharkand | Orientation programme |
5 | 16-11-2019 | 29-11- 2019 | Bodoland University | Two Weeks National Workshop on Research Methodology |
6 | 21-06-2021 | 27-06-2021 | E&ICT Academy, IIT, Guwahati | FDP |
7 | 20-09-2021 | 25-09-2021 | E&ICT Academy, IIT, Guwahati | FDP |
8 | 17-08-2021 | 01-09-2021 | FDC, PMMMNMTT, Iswar Saran PG College, University of Allahabad | Refresher course on changing trends and innovations in Teaching and research in Humanities and Social sciences |
9 | 21-02-2023 | 27-02-2023 | ICT Academy | STC- Digital Teaching Techniques |
5. Publications of Articles/Chapters in Books with ISBN:
Sl. No. | Title of the Book | Editor/ Author | Title of the Article/ Chapter | Publisher | Year of Publication | ISBN |
1 | The Tribal at the Threshold of the Millennium | Dhananjoy Brahma | The impact of modernity in Bodos of Assam: An Analysis | Publication Cell Bijni College | 2013 | ISBN- 978-81-922997-4-7 |
2 | Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Issues and Challenges of contemporary societies of North- East India | Probin Narzary | Alcohol in cultural perspective with special reference to Boro Society | Publication Cell, Bengtol College | 2016 | ISBN- 978-81-929915-0-4 |
3 | Revisiting Orality in North – East India | Deepak Basumatary & Zothanchhingi Khiangte | Beliefs and Myths of the Bodos | MRB Publication (India), Guwahati | 2017 | ISBN- 978-93-83403-16-5 |
4 | Socio- Economic Issues of Assam | Rimush Narzary | The Female Based Novels of Chittaranjan Muchahary: an Analysis | Publication Cell, Bengtol College | 2018 | ISBN- 978-81-929915-1-1 |
5 | Traditional System of the Bodo Community: Change and Continuity | Vivekananda Kendra Institution of Culture | Food Habits of the Bodos: A Study | The Secretary, Vivekananda Kendra Institute of Culture, Guwahati | 2018 | ISBN- 978-93-83079-25-4 |
6 | Bijirlu Thunlai | Dr. Phukan Basumatary | The Women writers of the Bodo Literature: An Analysis | Published by B.D.T.A., Voll-II | 2022 | ISBN- 978-93-94509-24-5 |
6.Publications of Articles in Journals with ISSN:
Sl. No. | Title of the Journals | Editor/ Author | Title of the Article/ Chapter | Publisher | Year of Publication | ISSN |
1 | Phwrwnglai, an Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Ganesh Boro | The Social Status of Females in the Short Story of Nilkamal Brahma’s Hagra Guduni Mwi | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. VIII. | 2012 | ISSN No. 2278-8085 |
2 | Research Journal of Social and Life Science, | Prof. Braj Gopal | Gurudev Kalicharan Brahma: A Study of His Contribution towards Uplifting the Bodos of Assam | Gayatri Publication, Shantikunj, Vol. XV-II, | 2013 | ISSN No. 0973-3914 |
3 | Aithun (Vol-I), A Multilingual, Multi disciplinary Annual Journal, | Nayan Jyoti Das | Alaisri, the Central Female Character of the Novel Jujaini Or: An Analysis, | Published by Janata College, Serfanguri. | 2013 | ISSN No. 2348-6430 |
4 | Phwrwnglai, an Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Ganesh Boro | A Critical Analysis of the Bodo Modernist Poet Arubinda Uzir’s Poetry | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. VIII | 2014 | ISSN No. 2278-8085 |
5 | Phwrwnglai, An Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Mihir Kr. Brahma | Travelogue in Bodo: An Analysis | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. VIII | 2014 | ISSN: 2278-8085 |
6 | Phwrwnglai, an Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Mihir Kr. Brahma | The Contribution of the Bodo Poet in Search of History: A Study | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. XI | 2015 | ISSN: 2278-8085 |
7 | Phwrwnglai, an Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Dr. Mihir Kr. Brahma | Post modernism and Bodo Literature: An Analysis | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. XV | 2018 | ISSN: 2278-8085 |
8 | Phwrwnglai, an Annual Journal of Bodo Deptt. Teacher Association | Dr. Phukan Baumatary | Mysticism in the writings of Promad Chandra Brahma: An Overview | Published by B.D.T.A. Vol. XVIII | 2021 | ISSN: 2278-8085 |