Students Welfare Cell

 The students Welfare Cell of the Bengtol College was formed on 21st March 2013 under the guidance of IQAC Bengtol College. This cell is formed with the noble objectives of providing Students a comprehensive, harmony, competent and responsive platform to facilitate a good learning atmosphere. The students Welfare cell Play a significant role in creating a safe and respectful learning environment in which students feel safety, secured and valued in the college Campus.

Aims and Objectives:

  1. To provide day to day essential support needed for academic and co-curricular activities of students.
  2. To prepare and execute plan for wholesome development of the students.
  3. To advice students’ Union Body whenever they required.
  4. To work with hostel wardens, GS, Sports Secretary, Cultural Secretary for all matters related to students Welfare.
  5. To keep in touch with the Guardians of the students.
  6. Arranging for emergency Health services whenever situations arise.
  7. Helping the poor students at the time of admission.

To materialize the above objectives of the students Welfare Cell of Bengtol College a committee was formed accordingly with the following persons.


SL NoNameDesignation
1Dr. Ranjit Kumar Narzary, PrincipalChairman
2Jakhangsa Brahma, Asstt. Prof.Coordinator
3Ramkrishna Chakraborty, Asstt. Prof.Member
4Sangrang Borgoary, Asstt. Prof.Member
5Ebria Khakhlari, Asstt. Prof.Member

  Contact no. Coordinator:  8638312987

  Email Id:

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